Factory for rent in Bac Giang Vietnam - Factory for rent BG-GP01

  • Area:  8400m2
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Factory for rent BG-GP01 – Factory for rent in Bac Giang

For Rent
  • Hoa Phu Industrial Park, Hiep Hoa, Bac Giang Province
Property Name: Factory for rent BG-GP01
Property Type: Factory for rent
Location: Hoa Phu Industrial Park, Hiep Hoa, Bac Giang Province
Driving time to CBD: Distance from Hanoi City: 35km
Noi Bai Airport: 25km
Cai Lan Seaport : 110 km
Samsung Bac Ninh : 5km
Unit size: Height: 7.5 – 10m .
Total Lettable Area: 8400m2
Year Completed: Active
Clear Height: 6.5m – 13m
Furnishing condition: + Fire fighting system (water sprinkler system and hose reels, hydrants and smoke detectors)
Information about the property and its availability are subject to change without notice.


Hoa Phu Bac Giang Industrial Park is a project built with a synchronous and modern technical infrastructure system. This is a place to contribute to the economic growth of Bac Giang province, successfully implement the program of industrialization and modernization, and create favorable conditions for the investment environment to attract domestic and foreign investors. .

Hoa Phu Industrial Park is located in Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province

Overview of Hoa Phu Industrial Park Bac Giang

Hoa Phu Industrial Park has a planning area of ​​over 400ha, of which phase 1 is 207ha (phase 2 is 200ha) in Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province, which is adjacent to Soc Son district (Hanoi). ) and Yen Phong district (Bac Ninh).

Hoa Phu Industrial Park connects traffic with National Highway 18 at the intersection of Cho intersection (Km20) and adjacent to Song Cau. Hoa Phu Industrial Park has a prime location, in the center of the Northern Delta, as a gateway for trade; transporting goods between regions in the country and going to international border gates.

Hoa Phu Industrial Park is located in Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province

Factory for rent in Bac Giang

In addition to the advantages of agency location, traffic connection, the cost of investment in Hoa Phu Industrial Park is competitive, especially reasonable labor costs, abundant young labor force.

Besides the above advantages, Hoa Phu Industrial Park is invested with a synchronous and modern infrastructure system that meets the criteria of a sustainable industrial park . Especially with the criteria of sustainable development, Hoa Phu Industrial Park has planned a housing area for employees working in the Industrial Park with a total area of ​​​​nearly 8 hectares located next to the Industrial Park to create a stable place for workers. determined to work with peace of mind, devoting labor to the enterprise.

Industrial park information:

– Address: Hoa Phu Industrial Park, Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province
– Investor: Phu My Group Joint Stock Company.
– Planning area: 207.451 ha.
– Technical infrastructure: The industrial park is built with a synchronous, modern and civilized technical infrastructure system, which includes main items such as: roads, electricity supply, water supply and drainage systems, manufacturing plants, warehouses, ports, information, operating centers, wastewater treatment plants.

Location of Hoa Phu Industrial Park:

– Location: Close to provincial road 295, near Song Cau.

  • 35 km from Bac Giang city
  • 45 km from Hanoi capital
  • 30 km from Noi Bai International Airport
  • 120 km from Hai Phong port
  • 130 km from Huu Nghi Quan border gate.

– The road system is organized in a checkerboard network, well connected

  • The main road has a width of 33m
  • The branch road has a width of 17m.

Objectives of Hoa Phu Industrial Park Bac Giang

– Bac Giang Hoa Phu Industrial Park contributes to the economic growth of Bac Giang province and Hiep Hoa district. Successfully implementing the program of Industrialization and Modernization, creating favorable conditions for the investment environment to attract domestic and foreign investors. Create a clean ground for secondary investors, have a plan to exploit and use the land fund in a reasonable and effective way.

– Contributing to building technical infrastructure, applying modern scientific and technical advances and advanced management to production. Create jobs and stable income for local workers, restructure labor, gradually increase the proportion of industrial production and construction, and reduce the proportion of agricultural production in the agricultural area. low economic value.

– Hoa Phu Industrial Park divides production land lots according to diverse modules, suitable for many types of investment:

  • Small type: 0.2 – 0.5ha
  • Medium type: 1.0 – 2.0ha
  • Large type: 3.0 – 4.0ha
Hoa Phu Industrial Park is located in Hiep Hoa District, Bac Giang Province

Factory for rent in Bac Giang

Hoa Phu Bac Giang Industrial Park is an increasingly expanding project with great potential for development, creating job opportunities for many people, contributing to the development of the province’s economy more modernly. For more information about the projects, please contact: construction company In Viet Nam


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